lives of our own . . .

by mulberryshoots

life of my own photo
For awhile now, I’ve had a sister blog started called “A Life of My Own.” It’s obviously a take-off on Virginia Woolf’s book called “A Room of My Own.” Earlier, Emily Dickinson, in the 19th century wrote the poem, “I’m Nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody too?” Now, we women living in the 21st century have had opportunities to make rooms for ourselves and to live a life of our own. Some of us might still be in the process of looking for one.

As I have said in the expanded version of “About” on that website, a very wise woman told us decades ago at one of our Smith College Wednesday assemblies that “life is long.” What she meant was that because women of our generation (graduating in the 1960’s) would still be spending lots of time raising families, taking care of others, working and helping elderly parents, we might be putting our own ambitions or interests aside for awhile. The idea of sequential fulfillment was introduced during that little talk, and each year that I have before me brings home how profoundly true that observation has been for me.

Youth is wasted on the young, they say. But not necessarily, I say in return. We all go through times when we think we know everything, even now! But what occurs in our lives is unpredictable, the good and the bad. Whether we end up with the love of our life is also unclear for a long time for some of us. In any case, I’m lucky to be able to say I am married to mine.

So, if you would like to take a look and join in the conversation, please visit this website and send me your story ~ about your arrival at a life of your own, or your continuing journey along the way. Here’s the link:

And thanks.